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love with his abuser?"
"Adam's not like that," Lucas ground out. "He doesn't need to be like that. People respect
him for being who he is. I've never seen him come close to raising a finger against anyone."
"Tyler likes pain," Donahue said, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. "Adam likes to give
it. Years ago he used to go too far with it. He used to take what he wanted and deal with the
consequences later. That's where his charm comes in. He's had plenty of practice using it on the
men he's fucked against their will."
The picture Donahue painted of Adam was so ludicrous Lucas had to tip back his head
and laugh. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I repeat: Adam has never touched anyone
against his will. He's like a gentle bear. He's one of the coolest guys I know." He paused,
studying Donahue. "You can talk trash about him all you want but you need to know that Adam's
told me about you. It seems pretty obvious that you're trying to get revenge on him by spreading
this bullshit about him. Sorry, but I'm not buying it. Good luck with your hustler recruitment."
He rose to his feet but Donahue and Stuart did too, and formed a wall in front of him.
"Lucas, you're being stupid. Adam isn't who you think he is and Tyler's nothing but his
Annoyance with Donahue's story rapidly morphed into anger. "Tyler isn't his prisoner,"
Lucas retorted. "Do you even know Tyler? He'll kick the ass of anyone he doesn't like."
"He's a bottom boy!" Donahue exclaimed. "He lets any Dom who tells him they're going
to fuck him do it. As soon as Tyler arrived on Anteros Adam was all over him like ants on a Jolly
Rancher. And you know what? Tyler did try to say no. He'd just gotten out of a bad relationship
and he didn't want to become involved. But Adam forced himself on Tyler because what Adam
wants, Adam gets. He told Tyler he'd protect him. That he'd heal him. Instead, he forced Tyler
into a relationship and now Tyler's terrified of them breaking up because Adam is constantly
telling him that once Adam has no more use for him then neither does the show or the island."
Key phrases leaped out at Lucas, like the bit about Tyler being vulnerable after his
breakup and Adam promising to fix him. The reasoning behind Tyler fearing a break-up was
ominous too. These were things he either knew to be true or could very well be. But the rest of it
-- there was no way it was true. Could it?
"You're full of shit," he told Donahue. "If Adam was all about control and forcing guys
then why did you and him hook up? Are you a 'bottom boy' too?"
Donahue's expression darkened and Lucas was abruptly reminded that it was one man
against two even if they were on a public beach.
"No one warned me about Adam," Donahue said in a hard voice. "I had no idea going
into it that his idea of a good time is forcing you to eat your own cum and fucking you where
other people can see you. His thing is humiliation and forcing you to do what you don't want to,
but I didn't know that until we were already hooking up. That's when I left him. That's when I
tried to warn other guys about him. Adam twisted it around though. He made it seem like I was
the psycho, that I was the one who'd wanted to control the sex we had. He lied, Lucas, just like
he's lying to you."
He stepped up into Lucas' face. "He was there when your photo was taken, wasn't he?"
Lucas said nothing but his nerves were strung taut.
"He's targeted you, Lucas. I'll bet money he's been sweet-talking you with wanting to
help you, that he's charmed you into believing he's your captain and he'll always take care of you.
His hook is bringing you into his pirate family. It's nothing more than a gang, Lucas, and every
member has to pay their dues. I can tell you right now that you're going to be paying a big due
because he's got a hard-on for you. He sees something in you that reminds him of Tyler and he
wants that. He wants to break it just like he broke it in Tyler."
Lucas felt lightheaded from all the blood rushing to his pounding heart. He disliked
everything Donahue said but worse than that he feared what Donahue said. It all sounded like a
bunch of lies meant to turn him against Adam... but a lot of it sounded possible. He'd seen on
more than a few occasions signs of a strange, tense relationship between Adam and Tyler. He'd
chalked it up to Tyler's emotional problems and insecurities. But what if it wasn't? What if it was
something darker, something kept behind closed doors? Adam had been pressuring Lucas from
the start and Lucas had slowly succumbed to nearly everything. But what if he'd managed to
resist? What would Adam have done then?
But he also had to consider the source of this information and Donahue was as reliable as
a talking parrot. Given the choice, Lucas had to side with the man he knew best.
"No," he bit out. "I don't believe you. Not any of it. Adam is my friend. He'd never do the
things you're accusing him of doing."
"You're blind, Lucas."
"That's my problem, not yours."
Frustration etched itself onto Donahue's face but he stepped back. "I'm not Adam. I can't
force you to believe anything I say. But you should think about it, Lucas. He wants you next and
he's going to have you whether you want him or not. If you're smart you'll stay away from him
and his pirate buddies as much as you can because they're all involved, you know. Like I said, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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