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What if shifters don t fall in love like humans? After everything that s happened, Demitri said, catching Kiernan s attention. I wasn t sure you could fall in love with me. I mean, I always hoped. He paused and smiled tremulously. But after seeing what happened with my parents, I didn t Hey, hey, Kiernan cut him off. Damn, my lover has more doubts than I do! Setting down his cup, he crossed to Demitri 104 Freeing Demitri s Wolf and cupped his face so he could stare into his shifter s pretty green eyes. Your parents are a horrible example. Yes, I love you. I think you re kind and sweet. You have such a big heart, and you re sexy. Even if we weren t mates, I d still have been drooling over you. At each word, Demitri s eyes seemed to widen more. I m grateful to have found you. At my age, I d kinda given up hope, he admitted. Suddenly, Kiernan found himself with an armful of hot, excited male. Demitri whined into his mouth as he clung to him, kissing him frantically. Kiernan took everything his lover gave him and returned it tenfold, delving his tongue past Demitri s lips and tangling their tongues, tasting mint from his toothpaste and underneath that, the unique masculine flavor that was all Demitri. I love you, too, so much. I love you. Demitri s words were hard to understand, but Kiernan s heart still soared at his lover s admission. He started to steer the younger man toward the stairs and their bed. Breakfast could wait. Glass shattering followed by a feminine screech yanked Kiernan out of the plans he was forming to fuck Demitri through the mattress. Kiernan lifted his head and spotted a slender, toned blond woman wearing sweats and a sports bra standing inside his dining room. The sliding glass door behind her was shattered. Who the hell are you? Kiernan shouted. That s my mom, Rachel, Demitri whispered, clearly just as shocked. You will cease this behavior at once, she snarled. You are not gay and you will take your father s place helping me expose shifters for the vile creatures they are. Demitri s jaw dropped. But you re a shifter, too. Then he glared and yelled back. And I am gay. Kiernan is my mate. I ve claimed him! 105 Charlie Richards I won t be a shifter much longer, Rachel snapped. And neither will you. My friends will exorcise these animal demons that plague us! Kiernan watched in stunned silence as Demitri yelled back, They re not demons. Our wolves are part of us! No! Rachel screamed. Something in her eyes didn t look quite right to Kiernan. When she stripped and started shifting, he knew he was right. Rachel had gone round the bend. Shit, she s not all there, Kiernan warned. I know, Demitri replied as he kicked off his boxers. Even though he d started shifting after Rachel, Demitri reached his wolf form first. The crunch of glass tore Kiernan s gaze away from where his lover charged his mother. The man with glasses from the other night was walking into his house, and he held a tranq gun. Not again! Turning, Kiernan grabbed the nearly empty bottle of tequila, suddenly grateful he d never bothered to put it away. He chucked it at the man. His aim was true. It hit the guy in the head. The man roared in pain and stumbled back a step, blood dripping down his temple. Kiernan yanked open the drawer of his end table and shoved aside a couple magazines. Underneath he found it, the .357 Ruger his father had given him for protection when he d come out to him at age twenty-five. He didn t use it much anymore, although he always kept his concealed carry permit current. A glance up showed him the guy regaining his senses. To Kiernan s relief, he spotted his lover easily holding his own against his mother. Popping the safety, he lifted the gun and pointed it at the guy. Freeze, he yelled, then mentally rolled his eyes. Freeze, really? 106 Freeing Demitri s Wolf The guy looked up at him and, for a second, he obeyed. Then he spun on his heel and started running. No fucking way, Kiernan snarled. Lowering his aim, he squeezed the trigger. The report echoed in his ears, making them ring. It almost drowned out the guy s scream. Swiftly, Kiernan ran after him. Blood oozed from the wound on the man s leg, but still he was trying to get back to his feet and out the broken sliding door. Switching his grip, Kiernan slammed the butt of the weapon down on the guy s head, knocking him out cold. Bloody scientist asshole, he growled. He just resisted the urge to kick the unconscious man. Instead, he headed back around the table and spotted the wolves. Shit, which one is Demitri? Then he realized his lover was the one with silver-blond accents in his light colored fur and wasn t that an odd thing to think? His mother was much darker. He decided that just in time to see Demitri grapple his mother to the ground. With his jaws wrapped around her throat, Demitri growled low in his throat. It took Kiernan a second to realize he was asking for Rachel s submittal. At first, she scrabbled underneath him, trying to get away, but then she went limp. Demitri growled in warning as he slowly released her throat. As soon as the pressure was gone, she curled her legs under her and leaped at Demitri. Evidently, he d expected the deceit, for he immediately skittered sideways. Rachel s momentum on the wood floor sent her sliding toward Kiernan. Lifting his gun again, he slammed it down on the wolf s head. She slid to a stop, unconscious. Kiernan immediately moved to Demitri s side. He set the gun on the floor, grabbed the wolf s ruff in one hand, and cupped his muzzle in the other. Are you okay? Seconds later, his arms were full of naked male, hugging him close. I m okay. Are you okay? 107 Charlie Richards Fine, Kiernan replied. Looking at the downed pair, he grimaced at the blood still oozing from the fallen scientist. Guess I need to bandage that for him, but then what do we do with them? Take them to Declan s, Demitri replied immediately. Right. So much for breakfast, Kiernan grumbled, but he wasn t too upset. Now that his lover s mother and the final would-be kidnapper had appeared, things would settle down& he hoped. I didn t know you had a gun, Demitri commented from where he helped Kiernan tie up their attackers. Kiernan shrugged. My father gave it to me when I was twenty-five. He told me to consider it a coming out present.
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