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that Leyndt seemed to radiate, a harmony almost as audible as a musical note,
and he had been reluctant to disturb it. And he had been well rewarded for
this reluctance. The look in Leyndt's eyes was unique he would not have
believed it possible to look utterly satiated in such a detached manner.
Presently she rose, kissed him again in a rather sisterly manner, then pulled
on her poncho and was off. There was a look of uncertainty as she did so, as
if she feared that the detachment so long and so stubbornly maintained under
such unlikely circumstances would fall apart if she spoke to Blade.
This was, fortunately, not their last encounter, nor were the second and
subsequent ones quite as improbable as the first. They learned to laugh in the
midst of their loving, particularly when Blade discovered that Leyndt,
the perfectly balanced Leyndt, was ticklish, and that a few strokes at the
backs of her knees could make her as helpless as a child. They learned to
talk, and exchanged memories of their lives and of how they had each arrived
at this particular place at this particular time. Leyndt found nothing strange
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in Blade's being from another dimension, as long as he was at least fully
human. In fact, she accepted him so much without question that he wondered if
she might be prepared to believe in the existence of the aliens or at least
listen to his theory of their existence without considering him mad.
After about two weeks, Blade was called to a conference with Leyndt and
Stramod. They were the only two members of the directing bodies of the Union
permanently in residence at the resort, and thus the only two there qualified
to speak on matters of high policy. But Blade gathered from what they had said
that the plans for him were in fact the result of much debate among all the
Union leaders, with messages flowing back and forth. That made Blade a little
uneasy. His long experience as a secret agent had taught him that sending too
many messages risked discovery and destruction. And he had no wish to become
the victim of the Union's destruction through becoming the occasion for too
many messages.
Stramod was brisker and more cheerful than usual. The thought of being able
even indirectly to strike a hard blow at the Ice Master could hardly do
anything but improve his spirits. He was positively beaming as he explained
the plan.
"The wisest thing for you would seem to be a return to Treduk territory, along
with Nilando. The two of you as a team can travel among their villages,
teaching them what you have learned about the Dragons, their Masters, and the
ways to deal with them. Every dead Dragon or Dragon Master is a blow to the
Master's strength. We can whittle it away little by little, without risking
exposing ourselves by giving the
Treduki modern weapons. That would only lead the Conciliators to turn all the
fliers and flier-troops against the Treduki at once. In addition, I cannot be
altogether sure that some at least of the Treduki would not turn our own
weapons against us. But this way, many Ice Dragons will die with
Conciliators being none the wiser. And however many supplies the Ice Master
receives from his allies, he can make only so many Dragons and train so many
slaves as Masters. In the end " and Stramod made a neck-wringing gesture with
his huge hands.
Blade nodded, somewhat wearily. The strain on him was considerable.
He was having to continuously bite his tongue to keep it from throwing his
theory about the aliens out into the open. And also in having to listen to
long considerations of Graduk internal politics. Not that these people should
not be concerned about them, but he had no need to be, and at the moment what
he needed most of all was a chance to get back into action. Preferably fast,
bloody action, destructive to the Ice Dragons, the Ice
Master, and ? It was quite some time before Blade was able to turn the
discussion to practical subjects, such as suitable weaponry for the Treduki [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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