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"Well, last night, I gave the best strip and lap dance of my life and I got the best sex in return," she
finally said.
"Oh, my God. Really?" Ari said in amused wonder. "I hope you weren't lap dancing in the club."
"Of course not. It was at the guy's place. He got a private performance."
"Wow. He must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven," Sam said. "So what's he like?"
"A sex god with the yummiest body," Kris said with a yearning sigh.
"Apart from that!"
"Oh, he's nice& funny& considerate& "
"Are you going to see him again?" Ari asked.
Kris couldn't help the telling smile that spread on her face. "Oh, yeah. He's my fling partner for the
next couple of weeks. In fact, he's at my beck and call for that period of time."
Sam frowned at her. "Is this just a fling, or are you hoping for something more with this guy?"
Kris stared at her cousin for long seconds before answering. "I'm hoping for something more with
this guy."
"Really? What happened to just wanting to get laid?"
She lifted her shoulders. "That's what I thought. But& "
"Wow. This guy must be really something. You better make sure we meet him next time. I'm dead
curious now. You've only just met him and now your head is full of& " Sam waived her hands,
looking for the right word.
"Fluff," Kris finished for her.
They laughed out loud.
"Okay, what do you want to know?" Kris asked, readying herself for their reaction.
"Name," Sam prompted.
"Andrews?" Ari squeaked.
"No. Sex God," she joked. "Yes. Andrews."
"Oh, Kris," Ari said in dismay.
"I know what you said about him, Ari. At this point, I just want to enjoy what's left of my holiday
with him. If he's not interested in an ongoing relationship after that, I promise I'll move on and not be
one of those stupid girls who keep on hanging around where they're not wanted."
"But I thought you said you're done with playboys!" Sam said, almost whining.
"Well, Trey's& "
"What? Different? Just like your last two boyfriends were different from all the other players?"
Sam queried.
"Hey, I don't think Trey's like any of those guys," Kris said, her tone laced with defensiveness.
"How is he different from them?" Ari asked curiously.
Kris scanned her brain for an accurate-enough description. "I know this sounds strange, but I think
being a playboy is not Trey's true nature."
"How can you tell?"
She shook her head vigorously. "I don't know. It's just a feeling. Call it intuition. Or sheer
stupidity," she added, realising how daft she must have sounded.
"I don't know what to say," Ari murmured.
"Me neither," Sam said with resignation.
"You guys don't need to say anything. Just be there for me in fun and tears," Kris said flippantly.
The three of them worked solidly for hours, and by almost six in the evening, they'd packed most of
Ari's stuff, apart from some things she would still need for the next couple of days.
"I cannot thank you enough, girls. Thank you, thank you, thank you," Ari gushed as they gazed at the
room full of sealed boxes.
"Don't mention it," Sam said. "Now we won't have Dylan texting us in the middle of the night to
remind us to help you pack."
"Tell me he didn't really do that!" Ari said in horror.
Sam laughed. "He did. Once. But he was very nice about it and we didn't mind. I'm sure he'll be
very pleased to hear you're all set for Saturday. How do you feel about it all?"
Ari sighed, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "I'm really excited. I've been having a hard
time concentrating on work this week because all I wanted to do was get ready for the move. I'm
nervous, too. I've never lived with a guy before so I'm sure there'll be some adjustments and
compromises that both Dylan and I will have to make."
"Think about it," Kris said. "Sometime in the future, you and Jazzie could be sisters-in-law."
Ari giggled. "Would I sound really keen if I tell you I'm already designing my own wedding dress
in my head?"
"I'd say just as keen as Dylan when he booked that removalist the day after you agreed to move in
with him," Kris quipped just as Ari's phone rang.
"It's Dylan," Ari announced with a soft smile before answering the phone.
Kris watched Ari as she spoke with her boyfriend. The love and tenderness in Ari's expression
was clear. She sighed as a longing for Trey hit her.
Trey! She was supposed to call him but the day had been so busy she'd forgotten all about it.
She fetched her phone from her handbag and her heartbeat instantly accelerated when she saw the
text waiting there for her.
*Are we still on for tonight?*
She grinned. Trey had sent it almost an hour ago. She was thrilled that he was thinking of her and
that he missed her. That message meant he missed her, right? She dialled his number.
"Hi, Kris," Trey answered.
"Hello Trey," she said with feigned seriousness. "I'm calling to say that no, you're not having the
night off."
"Oh, damn. I was so looking forward to a boring night watching senseless TV. Now I have to have
amazing sex with a hot, sexy woman all night."
"Well, far be it from me to deny you your well-laid plans. So, okay, if you'd prefer to spend the
night watching TV "
"And be accused of not keeping my word?" Trey interjected. "No. I said I'll be at your beck and
call, and since you called and said I'm not having the night off, then I'm not. What time do you want
me to pick you up?"
"Good. See you soon."
"See ya."
She was grinning from ear to ear when she noticed Ari and Sam staring at her.
"What's your plan?" Sam asked.
Kris arched her eyebrows. "Plan for tonight?"
"No. Overall plan regarding Trey."
She shrugged. "I don't have any, except to be myself and hope that's enough."
Trey exhaled his relief, raking his hand through his hair. Kris still meant to see him. For a while there,
he thought she'd lost interest.
Earlier in the day, he had been worried for a very different reason. After Dylan's disclosure about
Kris' past, he'd wondered if it was a good idea to keep on seeing her. He didn't want to lead her on.
Knowing what she had gone through, he didn't want her to think there was any future for the two of
He was even ready to tell her he couldn't see her tonight, fearing it would give her the wrong
impression. He had waited apprehensively for the phone to ring since lunchtime so he could turn her
down. That kept him on the edge for hours.
But she didn't call.
It dawned on him that perhaps Kris wasn't as emotionally interested in him as Sam and Ari feared
she might be. Kris was a straightforward woman. If she said she only wanted a fling, she must have
been telling the truth, right?
He sent her a text to see how she would respond. She didn't reply straight away, which cemented
his belief she wasn't love-struck or anything like that. Most women who were the chasing, desperate
type were all over him the second they got a text or a phone call from him.
The fact that Kris wasn't needy or too keen brightened up his day. He didn't have to avoid her,
after all.
He was extremely glad about that. He didn't think he could stay away for no other reason than the
fact that she was incredibly hot in bed, he assured himself.
"It's funny how, with all the other good restaurants around, you want to keep coming back here," Trey
commented as he and Kris went inside the establishment they'd been to a couple of times already in
one week.
"Their food here is really good. When I find something I like, I stick with it," she said. "Would
you prefer to go somewhere else?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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