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Blane caught up.  Why?
 Khalil told me to.
 Ho What?
Jonas turned and headed down the sidewalk.  Keep up. We ll have to get there before her
car arrives. And we re going on foot.
 What the hell is going on?
 All I know is that Khalil said Christiana was going to meet someone and that you would
need my help.
 Since when is he psychic?
Jonas laughed.  He has more gifts than any of us. He can probably fly, too.
He took off, darting into the shadows of the building. Blane huffed, then took off behind
him. If Khalil was psychic, how hadn t he seen their accidental bonding coming? Better yet
What if he had?
It only took a few minutes to find the square where she was meeting Vincenzo. Blane
slowed, but kept walking when Jonas stopped. The man was standing just to the right of center in
a goofy-looking wide-brimmed hat and a clich phantom mask. He wasn t exceptionally large. In
fact, he looked sort of silly.
Blane had the urge to just stomp his ass into the ground now and get it over with. He
started forward.
Something grabbed the back of his coat and jerked him back ward.
 Get hold of yourself. Jonas was almost hissing.
 You were growling. You re gonna blow it.
He stood close to Jonas and watched as the limo slowed, then stopped. Christiana stepped
out, wearing her mask. Maybe it was a security blanket for her. Even from here, he could tell she
was nervous. She was walking too stiffly, the way she did when everyone was watching her.
Chapter Sixteen
Christiana walked toward the vampire in the mask. Vincenzo was more handsome than
she d imagined. He wasn t as tall or broad as Blane, but his strong jaw and clear Italian lineage
blessed him with olive skin and dark hair. It was, in fact, the same man whom she d danced with
at the ball.
 Good evening, my Juliet. He gave her a sweeping bow.
 Vincenzo, I need to 
He darted toward her too fast, and it made her take a step back.
He caught her hand and knelt in front of her. On one knee, he gave her the formal
greeting with a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist.  I have waited so long for this night to come.
 Look, I m already 
A gasp came from beneath the wide brim of the hat.  You ve taken the vincolo with
another male? He was on his feet suddenly, gripping her arms.  What have you done?
A growl echoed behind her, in the alley, and she knew the sound immediately. Blane was
back there somewhere. He d followed her.
She should have let him go with her.
Hands shoved her toward the car, then she was tossed in.
 Drive, the voice said.
 No! She crawled toward the other door.  Don t drive.
He gripped the back of her dress and slammed her back into the seat, ripping the fabric on
the side where her knee had been against the seam.
Something stung her neck.
She glanced sideways to see Vincenzo pulling a syringe from her neck.
 There is nothing your compagno can do now.
Christiana brought her arm back, then launched her fist straight into his face.
The vampire rocked backward and dropped the needle into the floor.
She tried to move away, but his hand caught her. Then something started to burn through
her veins, radiating from her neck. It seared its way down her shoulder, arm, and into her chest.
It moved up into her head.
She screamed and gripped her head as the pain blinded her eyes. It deadened the senses
and made the rest of the world go red.
* * * *
Christiana was screaming.
That was all that mattered.
Blane grabbed the top and side of the limo s back door and ripped it off in a screech of
metal. Vincenzo launched himself into Blane s chest, knocking him to the ground with the force
of a freight train. They rolled on the ground, hands punching and teeth gnashing. He couldn t
quite get a solid hold on him.
Jonas appeared above them. His foot swept inches from Blane s face, kicking the
vampire in the head.
It didn t shatter his skull, but rolled him onto the ground.
Blane jumped up, ready for him. But his knees wavered. Pain shot up his side. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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