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Pasqual had red. She stood on the sidewalk and watched them cross to the bus stop. A few minutes
later, they boarded, and Elnie was waving good-bye to them for maybe the last time. She took flight
and tried to follow as far as she could, and once they got to the Tay Road Bridge, she stopped. She
flew to the top of the Olympia Leisure Centre and cried.
Chapter Ten
Come Away with Me
Robin stood in the open field. It was almost Midsummer, but now that Vincenzo was gone, she
didn t have the will to fulfill her duties. She was wearing the white dress she had picked for the
Beltane ceremony and what was supposed to be her wedding day. Her mother had to take it in a bit
from all the weight she had lost. She could still hear her mum s worried sentiment echoing in her
 Now, Robin, I know you ve been through a lot, and my heart aches for you, bairn. Just the same way you pulled me
through and needed me when your daddy passed away, I need you, and I m here for you, darling. I know how much
your heart hurts.
She wondered if she had the right to feel so much pain. Yes, she loved Vincenzo beyond reproach,
but she hadn t known him anywhere near the thirty years her parents had spent together. Still, she
didn t want to go on without him and stood there contemplating how she could.
His scent crossed her nose, his voice faint in the air. She jumped and took off for the woods,
running full pace. She could hear Kelly, who was a few yards away, call after her. She ran faster,
dodging trees to keep anyone from following her tracks. She shifted into a deer midstride to help her
move faster and smoother toward what was drawing her . . . to him. Her speed almost caused her to
catch her leg on an uprooted tree. She paused when she saw a tall figure in the distance and then
recognized him. Shifting back to herself, she ran as fast as she could to his outstretched arms.
 Vincenzo! He stood silent, waiting for her. She hugged him, then pulled back and smacked him
across the face.  Where the hell have you been?
 Robin, I have missed you. My heart broke when I had to leave. His eyes filled with tears as he
took her in his arms.  I had to leave. I am so sorry. But I had to come back and explain.
 I ve missed you too, so much. She fell to her knees before him and cried uncontrollably.  Why?
Why did you leave?
He sank and lifted her chin and kissed her softly, then embraced her.  I don t want to part from you
again. I am so sorry for having to put you through that pain, but I had no choice. They would have
killed you and your family.
 Who? Who would have killed us? She was frightened.
 They are called the Ardelino Family, and they have been after something in my mother s possession
for many generations. We have to protect it, and as long as someone with the blood has it, the
forces cannot be unleashed. A tear slid from his eye.
 Forces? What do you have to protect? She touched his face and searched his eyes for answers.
 Poveglia Island. I cannot say too much, but know that what is on that island, must stay there. He
clenched his jaw and grabbed her hands, looking like he was fighting from breaking down.  Robin,
amante, I have to keep moving with my family. I am not sure when or if I can return safely. He
kept looking around as if in a panic.  We shouldn t have come here now, but I had to tell you I love
you and didn t want to leave. I never got to say good-bye. I could not bear it if you had thought I
just left you.
 No. You just came back. We were going to get married. You can t leave. She stood with all of the
strength left in her and started to pace.  I ll come with you, then, and we ll all protect it together. We
can come back for visits and move the rest of the time.
 No, Robin, you have to stay and keep your family safe. I will not have our last meeting be an
 What do you mean, last meeting? I can t accept that. There is no arguing to it. I won t accept it. I m
going with you whether you like it or not. She put her hands on her hips trying to convince both
herself and him that she would not budge. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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