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believed long dead. She pointed to an attractive brown-haired servant with a particularly
massive chest carrying a cool pitcher of water and motioned him to stand before her.
 Attend me, she snapped and motioned him to follow her from the noise and excitement of
the women in the room to her own private quarters.
 Power is an arousing thing, she spoke softly to the handsome male and he nodded his
Having served in this house his whole life, he had heard stories about Mistress Teeta and her
depravities. He braced himself and followed the bewitchingly beautiful woman from the
room. He knew he would have to use all of the skills he possessed to satisfy this one and it
still might not be enough. He pitied the men of the House of Ice. When this ravenous monster
with its deceptively beautiful face descended upon their ranks, all would be made to suffer.
No matter how depraved Mistress Catla had been, she was no match for the extremely
intelligent and twisted mind of Mistress Teeta.
* * * * *
In their private sleeping chamber, Tessla stripped off her dress to lie down unashamedly
naked across the white silk of her bed. Tessla detested clothing of any kind against her golden
skin and refused to wear garments in the comforts of her private chamber. She motioned to
her life-mate to do the same.
Poor Alonzid. He had been struggling to hold back something ever since he saw that lock of
red hair twisting in Teeta s hands. She now watched him pad barefoot across the white
marbled floor to retrieve her clothes before he began to remove his own.
 Something troubles you, My Pet? she asked as he pulled his tunic from his body to reveal
his wide muscular chest, toasted the color of sand from exposure to the Fire continent s
punishing sun.
Dark-haired Alonzid was originally of the House of Wind, chosen by Tessla s mother to
ensure continued good relations between the two houses. Even though his straight hair stood
out amongst the wavy-haired people of this continent, he was accepted as one of them and
often emulated by the younger men of the house. His keen intelligence and the quick way he
processed information made him a vital asset to Tessla. If she had missed anything during the
audience with her daughter, Alonzid was sure to pick up on it.
 Yes, My Mistress. He spoke quietly as he approached her bed, still wearing his low slung
ceremonial pants. The only thing that kept them from falling to his ankles was the small
drawstring that fastened below his navel and held the light material around the small span of
his hips.
Alonzid was blessed with the body of a god and the knowledge of how to use it to his
 Well, what is troubling you, My Pet? Tessla asked as her fingers found and toyed with the
knot that held the drawstring taunt.
Alonzid didn t appear to be affected by the crippling sorrow that had consumed him back in
the great hall. In fact he seemed to be holding some great and pleasing secret. He was not the
type of man to expunge his grief in the sex act, so for him to deliberately approach her in a
way that was sure to enflame her senses meant that she had missed something important. Her
life toy was celebrating something and she knew that it had to something to do with Flame.
His pants dropped to his ankles as a grin spread across his handsome face.  That lock of hair,
My Mistress.
 What troubles you about my son s final tribute to his mother and leader? I found it most
She grasped his hands and pulled him down beside her on the bed. She knew that he would
tell her of his thoughts, but she could have a little fun while he found the words to express
 It moves, My Mistress. It vibrates with his life s energy. He bit back a groan of pleasure as
her delicate hands began to tickle over his stomach. A true leader, Tessla knew how to get
directly to the point of any topic and her hands were now focusing in on what she desired
from him.
 I can see that, My Pet, she replied as she peppered kisses down the thin trail of hair that
lead to his throbbing manhood.  It moves with the energy of a Keeper even now, locked up in
the vault to protect it from those who would attempt to destroy the final power of the
 Yes, My Mistress, he gasped as her hot mouth closed over the tip of his hardness. His agile
fingers quickly and gently undid the pins that held her great mass of brown hair in its
elaborate style.
 But if my son s life force had left his body, would not all of the energies he possessed on
this plane dissipate? My son is dead, yet his hair resonates with life.
That brought Tessla s head up in a flash.  What do you say, Alonzid? Is Flame alive?
 Upon this, I can only speculate, My Mistress, though I believe there is a good chance that
my son survives and is well.
Instantly the ramifications of that thought coursed through Tessla. If Flame was still alive,
that meant her daughter had lied, or that he had somehow tricked her into believing him dead.
 This requires great thought, My Pet. Tessla lay back amongst the tangled sheets of her bed,
all thought of slaking her lust gone. If her daughter and heir had lied to her this would mean
that she was party to a deception that would give her great power and influence while
manipulating her own mother to achieve it. If she had been fooled by her sibling, it would
mean that she had missed some important details and was not quite ready for control of a
great house.
 I shall have to watch and wait carefully, My Pet. If there is deceit and deception developing
in my house, I will put a stop to it before it causes any damage. If my daughter is
participating in it, she will be handled personally by me. No one must think that there is any
division of power from within my house. That, My Dear, would cause a civil war that I do
not wish to see. I cannot have my people fighting amongst themselves for scraps of power.
That would surely take us back to the old days before the Matriarch gained power and we
would lose all that we have gained. We must appear united to Testrios. I will not have my
house lose face.
I will have my son and his offspring safe, Alonzid thought to himself as he began to massage
the tension from his Mistress s forehead.  We will watch together, My Mistress.
Alonzid would protect those he cared for at any cost. His daughter Teeta would bear
The small family sat on the hillside in the late August sunshine sharing a blanket and a picnic
basket filled with treats, specially prepared by their loving father. The tall auburn-hared man
sat in front of a smaller version of himself. His son had a shocking shade of red-gold hair and
a few solid silver streaks that ran down the side of his hairline. Those platinum locks blended
with his fiery red hair that was contained in a neat tail near its ends with a small leather [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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