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Now she was at the point where if she worried about one more thing she would burst.
On shaky legs, she walked over to the notepad on the fridge and jotted down a note. It didn t say
anything about what she was thinking or what she felt, because, honestly, she couldn t put any of that
into words anyway.
Instead, she said she d see him in the morning and that she was leaving. Not forever.
She hoped she was doing the right thing, but she wasn t sure. She wasn t sure about anything
As quietly as she could, she left the house and her mate behind and made her way to her car.
She froze then looked over at Lorenzo, her fellow council member. He looked as if he was on a
late-night run, and considering he was part of their security force, that made sense.
 Lorenzo, she said smoothly, surprised that her voice didn t break.
He frowned then looked between her and Quinn s home.  Why are you heading out in the middle
of the night? Is everything okay?
She nodded, burying the lie.  I m just heading back to my den for the night.
He sighed.  It s going to suck losing Quinn to the Redwoods, but it s not like you guys are far
away, you know? I m just glad he finally has a chance to be happy.
She nodded and pasted a smile on her face.  I m sorry he had to make that choice.
Lorenzo shrugged.  Well, it had to happen. It s not like we can have mated pairs across Pack
lines. That would just lead to more issues than we can deal with. It used to happen all the time when
the Talons were mating frequently. He smiled softly.  The fact that you and Quinn are mating at all is
a miracle. A blessing from the moon goddess. I guess the council was a good idea after all.
She kept her smile up, but she knew her eyes held her pain. She couldn t help it. Lorenzo s smile
fell, and he took a step forward.
 Damn. What s going on Gina?
She shook her head.  I& I need to go back. She sucked in a breath, knowing she had to say
something.  Tell Gideon Helena s back. Will you? She knew Quinn would get to it, but with his
attention on Jesse, it would take time. Plus Helena was crawling around the den right then, and Gina
wasn t happy about that fact.
Lorenzo s eyes widened, and he cursed.  You ve got to be kidding. He looked between her and
Quinn s house again.  Gina. Don t go. Quinn needs you.
She took another step toward her car.  Just tell Gideon. Okay? I need to go back to my den.
 Please, Lorenzo. I can t& not tonight.
He sighed but didn t move forward.  I m so goddamn sorry, Gina. Just because Helena is here,
though, that doesn t mean you re not still mated to Quinn.
She looked over her shoulder and gave him a sad smile.  Doesn t it? I m not sure about anything
anymore. Good night, Lorenzo. With that, she got in her car and headed home.
Home to an empty house with packed-up boxes and nobody to welcome her when she stepped
inside. It was a shell of a dream that might never happen.
She d mated with Quinn to save his son and because, if she was honest with herself, she wanted
the man. She d done the stupid thing and fallen in love with him and the family they could have had.
She knew she shouldn t have done it, and now there was no way out.
She d mated a man she shouldn t have loved, and now his past was back to bite her in the ass.
Fate royally sucked.
* * * *
She d left him.
Quinn still couldn t believe Gina had just walked out of the house and hadn t said a word. He
sighed and shook his head. No, sadly, he could believe that. He d done nothing to show her that she
should be with him. He d only shown her the door and hurt her. Sure he d been on the verge of trying
to open up, but that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things.
He was an idiot, and now he had to pay the consequences. He d been so scared about getting
hurt again, he d hurt the one person who had given up everything and asked for nothing in return.
He didn t deserve Gina, but now he d make sure he did everything in his power to make it work.
He might have been slow on the uptake, but there was no way he d let Gina out of his grasp. She was
good for his soul, good for his son, good for their Packs.
As soon as she came back to the den that afternoon, he d talk with her and sort it all out. He
didn t have another choice not if he wanted to make things work between the two of them. They
were mates, and he wasn t going to change that. He just prayed she didn t want to change things
 You ready to go? Gideon asked as he came up to his side.
 As ready as I ll ever be.
As soon as Quinn had found out Gina had left, he d walked outside only to find Lorenzo standing
there with a sad expression on his face. He said Gina had left, and he d called ahead to make sure she
made it out okay. Quinn could only be grateful that Lorenzo had thought to protect his mate when he
couldn t. Lorenzo had also mentioned the fact that he d called Gideon to tell him about Helena.
Quinn should have done it himself, but he d been so out of his depth he d focused on Gina and
Jesse and not the very real problem that Helena was back, not only in the area but on Pack land.
Apparently an old friend of hers had let her in without alerting the Enforcer or anyone else in the
Pack. That friend wouldn t be punished since, technically, he d done nothing wrong. Helena hadn t
been banished from Pack land. She d simply left. Only there was nothing simple about it.
Now that the entire den knew Helena was back, they d quickly rounded her up, and now there
would be a Pack circle to decide what to do. She d almost killed two Pack members when she d
escaped before and had broken her Alpha s trust by severing the bond.
There had to be repercussions. At least that s what Quinn hoped. What was interesting about all
of this, though, was that Gideon hadn t been the one to call the Pack meeting. No, the elders had done
Quinn hadn t heard of another time that the elders had done such a thing, but he knew it had
happened in other Packs. The elders had the power to call meetings, though the Alpha would be the
one to lead it. The laws were written by the Alpha since his word was law, but the elders held sway
as well. The fact that these particular elders were close to the former Alpha didn t sit well on
Quinn s shoulders. There was nothing he could accomplish by worrying, however, so he d go to the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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