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guarantee the human race another beginning as the old is coming to its grand finale!
You see the prophecy of 2012 says that when the Great Cycle ends if the human race has been able to abandon
the civilization of materialism and return to living in the natural cycles, then it will be Heaven on Earth. If not - then
you can expect the worst.
The point of changing the calendar in 2004, is that this Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar is a natural harmonic
timing device. Thirteen 28-day female biological cycles a year is a sure way to put the human race back in the
universal cycles of nature. By changing the calendar in 2004 and redirecting the human race into a path of
harmony with nature, it will give the species eight years to stop time and turn its affairs in the direction of cosmic
unity. That way when the winter solstice of 2012 dawns and the cycle is over, the human race will be ready for
heaven on Earth!
The New Time and Time Management
OK, so now it s day two of the Great Calendar Change. Everybody s trying to adjust to the fact that it is not July
27, but Magnetic Moon 2, Year of the Blue Crystal Storm...  Wait, you might say,  now that you mention it, that is
quite a change in my thinking isn t it? No more July but Magnetic Moon instead?
Yes, it is. We will have to envision a yearlong campaign to get everybody straight about the new calendar and
the dates.
We will also need a year to take the opportunity to call a universal cease fire to observe the change - from a time
of war to a time of peace. And we will have to see UNESCO and other public and private agencies, religious and
environmental organizations getting together to plan out the new priorities for the human race. Imagine Whole
Earth brigades being sent out to reforest and clean up toxic waste! And weapons inspections teams going
everywhere to begin the demilitarization of planet Earth.
Stopping Time and Getting on With the Second Creation ~ 21
Yes, this will be the beginning of the First World Peace! How interesting that between 2004 and 2012 - only 8
years - is the equivalent of two presidential terms in office, 2004 and 2008 being election years. Imagine a
candidate coming out on behalf of the Calendar Change and the Declaration of the First World Peace?
And all the other calendars what about them?
The only calendar that is being changed is the Gregorian. That is the current standard and it is being replaced by
a new world standard, Thirteen Moons/28-days. The change is from chaos to harmony, from war to peace.
All the other calendars - the Islamic, Hebrew and Chinese lunar calendars, for instance - will be kept just as they
are. Except now they will be synchronized to the new harmonic standard.
But for you, in the mainstream culture of America and the Industrialized  First World, the Thirteen Moon 28-day
standard will be your new everyday calendar. And you will have to get used to it, so memorize it, and learn how
to manage your life in the New Time.
Here is the most basic thing you will have to learn - the new months and where they are in relation to the old time.
Just imagine: by 2012, we won t even be keeping track of the old time any more either!
Moon one = Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26- August 21)
Moon two = Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 22-September 19)
Moon three = Electric Deer Moon (September 20- October 18)
Moon four = Self-existing Owl Moon (October 19- November 14)
Moon five = Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15 -December 12)
Moon six = Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13,- January 9)
Moon seven = Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
Moon eight = Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
Moon nine = Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
Moon ten = Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
Moon eleven = Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
Moon twelve = Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 31-June 26)
Moon thirteen = Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)
Day out of Time (July 25)
In the New Time your time management is easy: four perfect weeks, four perfect weekends every moon. Every
moon begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. Every Year does too. This regularity will affect your being in
a profound way.
The core of your being will relax in a great ease and comfort knowing that there is an utter regularity and harmony
to time. This will help change your inner values to naturally be in accord with a change in the outer values. These
outer values will shift increasingly in the direction of  time is art. Quality time will be the premium value. That
means soul time, time to be creative with your spiritual power!
22 ~ Stopping Time and Getting on With the Second Creation
Synchronicity and Time
What is going to be most remarkable in the New Time is the increase in synchronicity.
You probably need to get a better handle on that. What is synchronicity and why is that going to help me in the
New Time?
Synchronicity is the quality or fact of being synchronous, that is, happening at the same time. Synchronicity is
the coincidental occurrence of events, especially psychic events that seem related but not explained by cause
and effect. Cause and effect is linear time. Synchronicity is nonlinear. That means that there are explanations for
events other than cause and effect.
What makes it eerie is that synchronicity coincides with what is in your mind. You think of someone. The phone
rings, and it s that someone you were just thinking about. So there is something about synchronicity that connects
events in the world with events in your mind.
What connects your mind event with the event out there is time. But this is a different kind of time. It is not linear
time. It is synchronic time. Synchronic time is the time of things always happening at the same time. And things
are always happening at the same time. You just don t notice it, or your mind isn t connecting with it, except at
rare moments. Why is that? What is going on?
Any moment in time is the same moment throughout the universe. Time is instantaneously unifying. Even though
it is midnight on the other side of the world, the whole Earth is still experiencing the same moment of universal
synchronic time. A man dreaming on the other side of the world could appear in your mind at the same moment
he is dreaming about you. Synchronic time means that Synchronicity is the norm and not the exception. From the
synchronic time point of view, mechanistic linear time is the exception.
Not only is synchronicity the actual nature of the universe, but the whole universe is just one big Synchronicity. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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