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This is a singular Secret, and an Arcanum of great price; but there are none, or very few found, who mind such
things; because many things are hidden, and lie deeply buried in this Arcanum, which no One, either Master or
Servant, nor any Wise man of this World hath unto this Day observed or considered.
[EXTRACT OF ANTIMONY] Therefore the Extraction of Antimony is made two ways, viz. with Vinegar, and with
Spirit of Wine. Vinegar obstructs, and Spirit of Wine, of itself powerfully expels and causeth Urine, as also Stools;
as elsewhere in another manner is shewed, and especially where I speak of my Twelve Keys, as namely, that the
Extraction of Glass of Antimony moderately purgeth; but on the contrary the Extraction of the same Glass, which is
made with Vinegar purgeth not: which is true and not permixt with any falsity. But this Experience gives occasion
of thinking and reflecting, by which way of Reasoning, Nature gives promotion and production to a true
Philosopher. But it is a thing much to be admired, that every Subject, which is first of all extracted with Spirit of
Wine, should have a Purging Property. Yet when Glass of Antimony is from the beginning extracted with distilled
Vinegar, and that Vinegar again abstracted, and then the Antimony extracted with Spirit of Wine, all its venomous
purging virtue passeth away, and no sign thereof remains, nor assumes it to itself any power of provoking Stools; but
it performs its Operations by Sweat, and other ways, chiefly by Salivation and Ejection by the Mouth; it searcheth
out all hurtful Evils in the Body, purgeth the Blood, heals the Diseases of the Lungs, and profits those who are strait-
breasted, and troubled with a frequent Cough. In a word it Cures very many Disease, also asswageth a Malignant
Cough, and whatsoever is of that Disposition, and is a Medicine very admirable.
Moreover, thre is another Extraction of Antimony made in this manner. Grind crude Antimony to powder, and pour
upon it strong Vinegar, not of Wine, but made of its proper Minera, and expose the Mixture in a Vessel well closed
to the Solar heat; then, after some time the Vinegar will be tinged with a Blood-like Colour, pour off this Extraction
clear, filter it, and distil by Alembick in Sant: then again, in distilling, it shews admirable Colours, pleasant to the
Sight, and wonderful in Aspect. This Oil* at length becomes Red as Blood and leaves many Feces and prevails
against many Infirmities: [EXTRACT OF ANTIMONY, ITS VIRTUES AND USE] for its singular Virtue and Use
is commanded in the Leprosy; the New Disease lately risen amongst the Soldiers is by it consumed and dried up,
and indeed it effects Wonders.
*Here thy Sincerity, Valentine, is suspected. Who can by this thy Prescription make this Quintessence, which Petrus
the Spaniard, in his Book of the Quintessence of all Things, deservedly extols, as the greatest Secret of Philosophy?
What shall I say? Malice makes thee, not a perverse, but timerous man, fearing, lest if Arcanum s should be
communicated openly to the wicked, they would do more hurt with them then good. This Process seems to me to be
purposely described obscurely by this Religious Man (why else should he not have written otherwise!) because he
knew the Sons of Art would understand it by his Prescript. But that you, Reader, may understand, you have not in
vain spent your Money in buying, or time in reading these Commentaries, I will clearly and nakedly discover to you,
how I myself have oftentimes performed this very Work: do you give good heed to all Things, that you may not at all
be deficient; for the Operations are so concatenated, or co-linked together, as one being omitted, or negligently
performed, all the other are spoiled, and your Labour cannot answer your Desires.
Take the best Minera of Antimony, which is friable )for if you take crude Antimony, as Basilius seems to indicated,
you can effect nothing; because it hath already lost its most subtle Sulphur in the first Distillation) grind it to so
subtle a Powder, as it may pass through a Tiffany Seive: put it into a Cucurbit, and pour upon it Vinegar, which
according to Art is distilled from its proper Minera. Set it in Digestion for forty Days, and (if you have exactly
observed all things, which are here unto required) your Vinegar will be tinged with a Colour red as Blood. This red
Tincture poured off by Inclination, put into a Retort, and gently abstract the Vinegar. The Powder remaining extract
with Spirit of Wine, that it also may contract a blood-like Colour. Put this Extraction into a Circulatory Vessel, like
to this, the Figure of which I here expose; because I never found any more apt to render the Spirits volatile: Then
place this double vessel in B.M. to be digested so long, as until you see the Tincture raise itself upwards and pass
over volatile by Alembeck; seeing this, cool your Vessel, and put all the Matter into a Cucurbit, and distil the Spirit
according to Art, which will pass over the Helm as red as Blood. Then again abstract the Spirit, and you will have a
most ponderous, thick Oil.
How this Oil should after this be joined with its own Salt, and united, we elsewhere speak; the use of which in
amending Metals is very great. Here we have described it, and brought is so far, as it becomes a most excellent
Medicine in grievous Diseases, which are in all places accounted uncurable. It performs its whole Operation by
Sweats. And since there is no Disease, which it helps not; what need is there to name any? It is better to be
altogether Silent, then to detract from its praises, by reciting a few. There is no man who hath made any Progress in
Chymistry, that knows not what the Quintessence of Antimony is. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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