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Her heart sank. She didn t dare look at Riley. Just how angry was he
going to be because she hadn t come clean?  Um, not so little back then,
Mr. Osborne. She managed a weak smile.
He shook his head.  Puppy fat. I knew you d lose it one day and turn
into a raging beauty and I was right, but you ve still got that same wide-
eyed innocent look in your eyes. The eyes gave you away. I d have known
you anywhere. He lifted the edge of the hard hat.  Still got that great red
hair, I see. Glad you didn t go the way of most women these days and
tamper with the color.
Beth-Ann thought back to the lunch in the site office and almost
cringed. Some innocent she was. And the bottle of semi-permanent hair
dye in her bathroom made her feel guilty as sin for some reason.
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A Handyman s Best Tool
John turned his gaze on his son.  How come you didn t tell me you
were seeing Beth-Ann? Without giving time to answer, he tucked his
arm through Beth-Ann s and turned her away from the office.  I haven t
kept in contact with anyone from Wattle. You re old enough now to
understand why I chose that option, but I have to say, I missed our little
talks when I moved to the city. So how are your mom and dad?
She let him guide her across the site and over to the security booth.
She could feel Riley s presence behind her, and she still hadn t looked at
him to gauge his reaction.  Dad died when I was still at school and Mom
when I was eighteen.
 Ah, sorry to hear that, love. I warned your father he needed to
change his life style. All that alcohol and excess weight had to take its
toll. I m glad to see you did something about it. Guess you found that
control you always used to go on about.
 I guess I did.
He dropped a quick salute on her cheek.  You and I will have to catch
up soon and talk about the old days. Get Riley to bring you over to the
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house. He lowered his voice, his mouth near her ear.  Guess you also
made that son of mine eat his words, too, hmm? His eyes twinkled as he
smiled at her.
Beth-Ann dared a look at Riley. His face was devoid of expression as
he watched the by-play between her and his father. She wanted to cry.
Please don t let him break it off, she silently begged.
 I ll leave you two to say your good-byes. John turned on his heels
and started to walk away. Then he paused and looked back over his
shoulder.  When you re done, Riley, I ll meet you in the office. I d like to
know what the police had to say.
Alexis Fleming
With John gone, Beth-Ann turned to Riley and crossed her arms over
her chest, the picnic basket held in front of her like a shield.  Are you
angry with me?
Riley slid around behind her, took her by the shoulders and moved
her to the side of the security booth, away from the curious eyes of the
men on the site.  I always knew, he whispered.
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Shock dragged Beth-Ann to a halt. She spun around and stared at
him.  You knew?
 When? How? He d known the whole time? She squeezed her eyes
shut as she remembered their first encounter. Oh my, what must he
think of her?
 Oh, not right at the beginning, but certainly after that first night at
your house.
 How? She shook her head as she tried to make sense of it all. She d
been so careful not to let slip any incriminating comments about her
earlier life and she d put all the photos away. Anything that could
identify her.
He took the basket from her and dumped it on the ground before he
pulled her into his arms, fitting her body to his.  There s a small photo in
a silver frame on top of your fridge. You and your parents, taken, I d
make a guess, just before your dad died.
Darn, she d forgotten that one. She pulled away from him and
planted her hands on her hips.  So you knew I was that fat kid who
followed you around like a bad smell. What was it? A pity party, take the
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fat girl out for an airing? Or is this a sop to your conscience because of
what you said to me when I was thirteen?
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