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male so that we equally have an opportunity to breed children and have a female in our lives.
Dawn was glad she was sitting down for that bit of news.  How many husbands do the
women get, if I m following what you re saying? And don t think I missed the part about you
asking for us to be a family unit. I heard that. I m just trying to figure out what the hell you did.
 We are under law to have a female take at least three husbands into a family unit but no
more than five. They find all the males they wish to breed with. Three males is the typical
number that our females acquire before closing a family unit application.
Dawn was definitely grateful she was sitting down. The information sank in and then she
jerked her hand out of his as she nearly leapt off the bed to back away from him in horror as she
stared at him. She backed across the room until she bumped into the wall hard enough to flinch
as a handle on one of his built-in wall drawers dug into her spine.
A frown instantly curved Iron s lips as he slowly stood.  This is why I didn t wish to tell
you what I had done. I didn t think your reaction would be pleasant.
 No fucking way, Dawn hissed.  I didn t agree to some family unit thing. I agreed to be
your personal slave, damn it. Get me the hell out of that contract. You said it was approved? Rip
the damn thing up or get it unapproved or overthrown. Damn you, Iron! How could you do this
to me?
His face noticeably darkened with anger.  You are in a family unit with me and that is
final. I didn t need your permission since you re property. There is no getting out of that contract
with me, Dawn.
She feared she was going to hyperventilate as her heart started to pound and blood rushed
to her ears. She was breathing rapidly as she tried to get a handle on the pure panic that gripped
her. Iron closed the distance between them in a few steps and his hands gripped her arms.
 Are you all right? You have gone very pale and I m alarmed at your reaction.
Dawn struck, kicking the asshole hard with her bare foot to his shin. Pain shot through
her toes as she tried to jerk out of his hold. Iron didn t even flinch from the hit but he did tighten
his grip on her.
 Calm yourself.
 Fuck you. Hot tears threatened to spill as they filled her eyes.  I trusted you, damn it. I
mean, not flat out, all the way, but enough to not screw me this way. How could you?
His fingers eased their tight grip but he didn t release her. He hesitated.  I know this isn t
the future you envisioned before I brought you into my life but you need to adjust, Dawn. We are
in a family unit and you will come to terms with it. It s done and I am not going to request the
contract be reversed. My decision is final.
She let her head drop as she closed her eyes. She didn t want to look into his eyes
anymore, feeling betrayed by the bastard. How could he do this? How could he calmly announce
he d signed them up for cyborg s version of marriage? The horror of it was hitting her hard and
fast. Tears spilled out of her tightly closed eyelids to spill down her cheeks as her shoulders
She was trapped, a prisoner, and until she could find a way to escape, she was locked into
this hellish nightmare. A sob caught in her throat but she managed to swallow it down. She took
some deep breaths, still refusing to look at the man inches in front of her who gripped her arms.
 How many? Her voice shook.
Iron hesitated.  I estimated that you could handle four.
Bile rose in her throat and her knees collapsed. A bitter laugh escaped her. Iron didn t let
her fall, instead he used his hold on her to jerk her against his body. In seconds he adjusted his
hands on her and swept her into his arms to carry her to the bed where he gently laid her down.
Dawn refused to look at him. She turned away from him as her body settled on the mattress
where she curled into a ball, keeping her eyes closed. She hugged her knees.
The silence in the room was absolute. Iron didn t speak and Dawn didn t either. She
hugged herself tighter while she fought the urge to flat-out bawl. The mockery wasn t lost on her
as she tried to muffle another sob. She d hooked up with Mack all those years ago, gotten her
heart smashed, and had plotted her life course to keep from getting involved with another man by
working with women. Now she was going to end up married to four of the bastards.
She could live with Iron. She usually liked him. Sometimes she more than liked him,
feeling more for him than she wanted to admit. Sometimes right after sex, as she stared into his
eyes, her heart squeezed and the thought of losing him was painful. She was falling in love with
him, she admitted as she lay there. He, on the other hand, was ready to pass her off to three other
men. It spoke volumes to her of how little his emotional attachment to her went. Mack had been
a cheating, deceitful bastard, but if another guy even thought about touching her, Mack broke
their damn fingers to establish that nobody but him got that privilege.
 I know it is a shock but you will adjust, Iron said softly. His hand brushed her back.
Dawn jerked away from his warm hand.  Don t touch me, damn it. Don t you ever touch
me again.
 I will touch you any time that I like. Iron s tone had gone ice cold.  I understand that I
am not your ideal mate but you are with me nonetheless. He paused.  I will leave you to let this
information settle into your system and we ll discuss it later when you ve had an opportunity to
He was fleeing. Anger reared its head as Dawn finally moved. She opened her eyes and
turned her head to watch Iron stalk for the door. She knew damn well she shouldn t say a word.
At thirty-six-years-old she knew nothing good ever passed her lips in anger but this time she
didn t care if she pissed him off.
 Do you know what I m going to do?
He stopped walking as the doors slid open. He turned to face her, an angry expression on
his handsome features. He said nothing as their gazes locked.
 If you re going to turn me into a whore, then I m going to seduce one of those assholes
into kicking your large, sorry ass, Iron. I bet for a blowjob one of your pals you picked to force
me to fuck will be more than happy to break your jaw to put that lying mouth of yours out of
commission for a while.
Iron stared at her and his silvery skin tone seemed to pale. She nodded at him slowly as
she pushed off the bed to give him the dirtiest look she could muster.
 I ve haven t gone down on you yet and now I never will, but bet on the fact that I will
do that for them, Iron. I m going to have them kicking your sorry ass every damn time I have to
suffer one of them touching me so we re both feeling some serious pain. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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