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"Good afternoon, Aelliana." The luck was out. And yet it was her right, to ask, to be heard, by her delm.
She bowed, so low that her forehead touched her knees, and straightened only somewhat, eyes fixed humbly on the
faded pink stone of the foyer floor.
"Good afternoon, brother," she murmured, though the words seemed like to choke her.
"So respectful," he commented, rising from his chair in the stair-niche. "Indeed, the very portrait of subservience,
drawn with rare skill. I confess myself charmed but no longer deceived."
She did not raise her head. She did not move. Barely did she breathe. Ran Eld's boots came into her range of vision:
They were dusty and scuffed; the right bore a stain of oil along the instep.
"You keep to your character?" he inquired, voice poisonously sweet. "But perhaps you are correct! We are so open
here that anyone might chance to see, should you choose to fly your true colors! I suggest we adjourn to the parlor.
After you. Sister."
"I have urgent need to see the delm," Aelliana said, staring, staring, at that scuffed, stained leather. "Pray
conduct me to Mizel at once."
"The delm is from house," Ran Eld purred. "She returns tomorrow, midday." There was a pause, in which she felt
his gloating like rancid grease across her skin. "The parlor, sister. Of your kindness."
There was no help for it. Shoulders slumped, eyes lowered, steps mouse-light across the old stone floor, Aelliana
entered the parlor. Ran Eld's footsteps gritted noisily behind her. He crossed the threshold and closed the door with a
bang, striding to where she waited in the center of the room, eyes on the nap-worn carpet.
"Look at me!" he shouted, augmenting the order with a savage yank of her hair.
She ground her teeth, imprisoning the try, and met his eyes.
"So& " Satisfaction settled in her brother's face. "Have you truly forgotten the old lesson, Aelliana? Do you no
longer recall what I had done to you, the last time you challenged me?"
"I remember."
"Ah, she remembers! But where is the failing note in the voice the twisting together of the fingers? She
remembers, but appears to discount the memory. Perhaps she takes comfort in the Delm's Word! What was that
promise, Aelliana?"
She stared at him, recalling all of what he had caused to be done to her. He had boasted of it, after, and spoken of such
things as made it certain that he and the contract-husband had spent many delicious hours, planning how best to
harm her.
"You know well what the Delm's Word was," she told him, and heard the acid in her voice with dismay.
"Ah, but of course I know!" Ran Eld returned, in high good humor. "But you will tell me, Aelliana, because I have
commanded it. As nadelm, it is my right indeed, my duty! to command you. Surely, you cannot have forgotten
She took a careful breath, trying to still her body's shaking, which was all of long-pent fury and hatred, and nothing
whatsoever of fear.
"The Delm's Word," she said, neutralizing the acid note with an effort, "was that I had fulfilled my duty to the clan
and need never marry again."
"Yes, that is what I thought," her brother said, with a smile. "Never marry again. I may be able to keep to that, when I
am delm." His face hardened. "In the meanwhile, I learn from the news wires that you are a holder of real property
which you have neglected to report to the clan." He moved an elegant, heavily-ringed hand. "Step to the desk, if you
She went forward to the tiny letter-desk, stood blinking down at the paper laid there, at the pens, bare-tipped and
Bill of Transfer, the words shouted from the page. I, Aelliana Caylon Clan Mizel, hereby transfer all right, profit
and holding in the starship Ride the Luck to Ran Eld Caylon, Nadelm Mizel to be his personal property to dispose
of or profit by&
"No?" Incredibly, Ran Eld sounded merely amused. "But you are grown bold!" He smiled viciously into her eyes as
she looked up. "You will sign this paper, Aelliana, and this& " He pulled a second from the pile on the letter-desk
and thrust at her face.
She danced aside, flicking the paper from between his fingers. Another transfer, this one of her Ormit Shares. She
dropped the paper onto the desk.
"Not that one either," she said, her voice shaking. "I sign nothing until I have spoken with the delm. If she is from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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