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makes me want to spring.
 I wouldn t mind it if you did that, Ash said, a wicked grin on his lips that showed off his white
 I think I ll watch you a little more, and then afterward you can get me ready for when you put
your huge cock in my ass.
David could actually smell the blood rushing to Ash s face as he blushed. He didn t think his
mate would have any blood to spare considering so much of it had gone to his dick.
Apparently his words had also brought out a reaction to that part of his body since Ash cursed
and gripped the base of his cock a little harder, reaching down to even cup his balls as well in an
effort to keep from coming.
 Jesus! Ash said, wetting his lips and squeezing his eyes shut.
 You re so damn beautiful, David said, and he just had to put his hands around Ash s slick
cock, stroking the thick column of it and feeling the protruding veins that traveled up it.
 If you keep doing that, there s no way I m going to be able to keep from coming, Ash said.
David believed him.  All right, he said.  Maybe we can focus on something else then.
David rolled onto his back and beckoned his mate to climb on top of him.
Ash did, that wicked smile back on his face, but David stopped him when he felt Ash s hands try
to spread his thighs apart.
 Not yet, David said, and he began pushing down on David s shoulders.  Put my cock into your
mouth. Do to me what I just did to you.
Even before he was done speaking, Ash was eagerly shimmying down David s body, and his
large hand, which still had some lube on it, gripped and gently twisted around the base of David s
Oh! That felt really nice. David s toes curled, and he arched his back, gripping the bedsheets as
he moaned out loud.  That s good. Do it, he said, and he looked down just in time to watch Ash s
pink tongue darting out of his mouth and licking at the underside of the head of David s dick, playing
with the little slip of skin that ran from the head to the base.
David s hands reached down and his fingers carded through that black hair of his mate s.  Stop
teasing me. Please put it in your mouth. Suck on it, David begged.
Even to his own ears it sounded like he hadn t come in several years and would die if he was
denied it.
Ash didn t go down on him right away. In fact that mouth of his pulled back a little as he smiled
up at David.  You know, I hear that pregnancy can have this sort of effect on sexual hormones.
 That s really interesting. Please put my cock in your mouth now.
Ash burst out laughing, but then he did as David begged him to and wrapped his wet lips around
the head of David s prick, and he slowly sank down, deep-throating David in just the way he needed
but what David also couldn t do to him.
 Oh! he cried out, and he gripped his own hair so tightly that he was pretty sure he was running
the risk of tearing it right out.
Ash s mouth was strong, and he made a point to prove just how well he could do this every time
he put David s cock inside of his mouth. There was so much pressure pulling back on his cock it was
like a machine was at work instead of a man.
Of course, that would be too funny, although he was pretty sure that Ash would take that as a
 That s good, just like that, David said, his hips canting back and forth. He lifted his leg and
put it up onto Ash s shoulder, spreading his thighs enough to allow the man to get comfortable closer
to what he was doing.
 Stretch me, David said.  Put your fingers in my ass while you re doing that.
Once again, Ash showed his willingness to obey orders in bed by doing as David said without
question. He had to pull his mouth away from David s cock for a few torturous seconds to reach for
the bottle of lube again and coat his fingers, but then he opened his mouth again and was back where
David so desperately wanted him to be.
He kept his lips tight as he bobbed his head back and forth, and then David felt that wonderful
sensation of Ash s blunt fingers pressing up against his hole, pushing inside.
David had to force himself to relax, but he was used to this by now and knew how to make this
go along as fast and smoothly as possible while still getting the most pleasure out of it that he could.
Ash s middle finger went in first, and David humped wantonly against it and the mouth that was
busy riding his cock.
Then Ash added another of his thick fingers, stretching David wide open before hooking them
inside and finding his prostate.
Now David had to take a page out of his mate s book and hold on to the base of his cock just to
keep from shooting his load all over his stomach, because if he let go that pleasurable orgasmic rush
was going to come onto him, and there wouldn t be any stopping it.
 You like that, don t you, Ash said. He was always a little full of himself with alpha pride
whenever he had a good hold on David s prostate like this.  Tell me how it feels.
Like David could properly speak at the moment.  It f feels pretty damn good.
 Good, Ash said, and then he thrust his fingers even deeper inside of David s asshole,
slamming into his prostate.
The effect was akin to if Ash was holding the puppet strings to David s body and jerking on
them. David s spine moved into a half circle, and his muscles became tight. He couldn t stop moaning
even if he wanted to.
 Fuck me! David demanded.  Now, I need it. Put your cock inside me.
He didn t want Ash s fingers anymore. He wanted to feel his cock. Better still, he wanted that
exchange of energy and spirit that he desperately craved from a mate. He wanted to feel that Ash was
really alive and whole on top of him, even though that made no sense because he could plainly see
that the man was. He was right there with him.
That had been exactly what Ash had been waiting for, and he eased his fingers out of David s
stretched hole before reaching for the lube one more time and coating his cock with the stuff in a real
It was strange the things David did and didn t notice when he was in the throes of lust, like the
thin sheen of sweat that was on Ash s forehead. Actually, it was on the rest of his body, too, and his
hands were trembling as he coated his dick with more lube. David might not have even noticed that
detail if Ash hadn t put his hand on David s knee, and David felt the tremors.
Then David moaned out loud when he felt the thick and blunt head of Ash s cock pressing
against his hole. He loved that feeling, the anticipation that came right before Ash thrust his cock
inside and oh!
The burning slide was always the best. Ash was taking his time. He always did, but David got
the impression that today he was being extra careful due to his injuries, and David wanted to make
sure that his mate, his mate that he loved so much and wanted only good things for, didn t hurt himself
while they were doing this.
Ash pushed his cock inside, keeping to his slow but steady rhythm, and David felt so full he
thought he was going to burst, but that wasn t going to happen.
 You re so damn tight, Ash said, and then he grunted as he was finally balls deep inside of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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